Nigerian Groups
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Raise your voice!
A brief introduction to the Shell empire:
Royal Dutch/Shell is a Dutch/British amalgam which has over 1700 subsidiaries
throughout the world, including Shell Nigeria and Shell Oil (operating
in the U.S.). Because Royal Dutch/Shell plays a management role, the only
way to get your message across is by affecting one of its subsidiaries. SPEAK OUT!
Be heard!
Email Royal Dutch/Shell's Chairman Mark
Moody-Stuart and tell him you won't buy Shell products until Shell
cleans up its act in Nigeria!
Post a message on the Royal Dutch/Shell's Forum Section (Where you can leave comments about Environmental and Social issues, and read what others have said.
Go to Shell.com and click on "Forums." Make sure they hear you too!
Give ShellNigeria a piece of your mind!
Let Shell Oil (Shell's US company) know that you, a potential consumer, will not by Shell products until there is justice for people harmed by Shell's operations in Nigeria!
If you want to contact Shell in another country, Shell's Main Site has links to other Shell locations.
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