Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would
Add to this guestbook we are keeping!
Great site.
John O'CONNOR <[email protected]>
MONTREAL, PQ CANADA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 14:28:50 (EDT)
I was very intreaged to find out about this business with Shell. Some friends and I were driving down the road and someone handed us a flier about Shell. Well, I took action and sent this URL to all the paople I know on ICQ and I also typed out the flier and sent it to everyone on my E-mail lists. I would like to see something happen to Shell, they have no right to treat people the way they are.
Jennifer <[email protected]>
Portland, OR USA - Friday, April 16, 1999 at 12:38:34 (EDT)
A great, informative site. It's unfortunate I didn't stumble accross it sooner (I just finished my paper). However, I've been following Shell's relations with Nigeria for two years and I will enjoy checking on your sight in the future for updates. Your time and efforts are appreciated!
Kari Johnston <[email protected]>
Toronto, ONT Canada - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 23:29:38 (EST)
Hey ! I am doing a research project on Shell bein in Nigeria.... thanks for all the info! Muchly appreciated!
Heather Anderson <[email protected]>
Beaverton, OR USA - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 12:36:13 (EST)
I hope more people will support you against shell�s injust
exploitation of your country. I wish that you'll have success!
Christoph Eichler <[email protected]>
Gr�nstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate Germany - Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 13:50:42 (EST)
Shell will burn for their crimes. And so they should.
Luke Edmunds <[email protected]>
Launceston, Tasmania Australia - Tuesday, March 09, 1999 at 20:35:44 (EST)
Shell should pay for their crimes!!!!! Down with Shell
Mario Mendykowski <[email protected]>
Rolling Meadows, IL USA - Sunday, March 07, 1999 at 22:22:38 (EST)
I feel the media is not honest with information or makes information available to us if its not in big brothers best interest or the large corporations best interest.. Please continue to update us on any information that will benifit all mankind. I definitely will boycott Shell.
Mary <[email protected]>
Shingle Springs, Ca USA - Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 21:30:59 (EST)
I feel the media is not honest with information or makes information available to us if its not in big brothers best interest or the large corporations best interest.. Please continue to update us on any information that will benifit all mankind. I definitely will boycott Shell.
Mary <[email protected]>
shingle springs, Ca USA - Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 21:30:26 (EST)
I feel the media is not honest with information or makes information available to us if its not in big brothers best interest or the large corporations best interest.. Please continue to update us on any information that will benifit all mankind. I diffenetly will boycott Shell.
Mary <[email protected]>
shingle springs, Ca USA - Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 21:26:37 (EST)
I feel the media not honest with information or makes information available to us if its not in big brothers best interest or the large corporations best interest.. Please continue to update us on any information that will benifit all mankind. I diffently will boycott Shell.
Mary <[email protected]>
shingle springs, Ca USA - Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 21:24:19 (EST)
I was interested to read the information contained here. It is a shame that you don't hear about any of this elsewhere. Keep working at it.
Paul Wasserzieher
Lloydminster, AB Canada - Thursday, January 28, 1999 at 22:15:41 (EST)
This is a fantastic web site. I second the comments
made by Mr. Puscas of Waterloo. Keep up the good work!
David Tannenbaum
Princeton, NJ USA - Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 20:20:56 (EST)
Good job y'all. However, it would be very useful if you had some kind of graphics archive for making $hell fliers so that ALL the people who come to your page to find them would be pleased.
George Monbiot <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 14:56:54 (EST)
It is wonderful to see people committed to the effort of exposing the environmental and economic devestation that Shell Oil and the Nigerian military dictatorship has perpetrated over the years. To think that Nigeria is one of the richest oil producing countries in the world yet the vast majority of the people do not even have access to electricity is an injustice of enormous proportions. Thank you for keeping hope for justice alive through this necessary campaign.
Darren Puscas <[email protected]>
Waterloo, ON Canada - Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 16:34:10 (EST)
I've been following the media coverage of events in Nigeria. Today, Utrice Leid of WBAI had a guest from Nigeria who talked passionately about what's really going on there in Nigeria with the World Bank and multinationals allowing company's like Shell, et al to take advantage of Nigeria's ecological environment. It is apparent Shell, et al do not care about the Nigerian people's right to self-determination and self-government.
Theodore Hodges <[email protected]>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Monday, September 28, 1998 at 18:19:47 (EDT)
I'm too angry even to know what to say. Anyway, thank you for providing
this valuable and infuriating information. Best of luck in your
fight against the powers-that-be
Jonathan Dushoff <[email protected]>
Taipei, Taiwan - Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 04:10:32 (EDT)
Information well presented. I'm appalled that we don't hear about this in mainstream media.
Kathy <[email protected]>
USA - Wednesday, September 02, 1998 at 02:21:39 (EDT)
Hello! Love your site! Just testing!
Really! Hey, I think you can imbed HTML
in to these comments!
Charles <[email protected]>
Salamone, BI Italy - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 08:57:30 (EDT)