Health Warnings

Question of the Month
December 2000

Question: Are tobacco companies required to print health warnings on cigarette packs sold in your country? If so:
  • What is the content of the warning?
  • What is the size, color, and position (front, back, side) of the warning?
  • What language are the warnings in? (Please indicate what % of the population is literate in this language)
  • Does the warning include any graphics?
  • How do most people purchase cigarettes -- in the pack or individually?
  • Is cigarette smuggling a problem in your state or country? If so, what brands are smuggled most? How do their health warnings differ from legally sold cigarettes?
  • How resistant was the tobacco industry to adding the health warnings-- in comparison to passing other types of anti-tobacco legislation (e.g. advertising bans, smoke-free ordinances etc). Was there a type of warning that they were particularly opposed to?

We recommend that you pose the question to your partner and forward their response to us. If you do not have a partner yet, please send your answer directly to us.