Top Twenty Guests 96

Top Twenty Guests: June 1995 - 1996
1. Pat Buchanan, Reform Party presidential candidate
2. Leon Panetta, White House Chief of Staff
3. Bob Dole, GOP presidential candidate
4. Phil Gramm, GOP presidential candidate
5. Steve Forbes, GOP presidential candidate
6. Dick Armey, House Majority leader
6. Trent Lott, Senate Majority leader
6. John Kasich, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee
9. Robert Rubin, Secretary of Treasury
9. Warren Christopher, Secretary of State
11. William Bennet, Chairman of Empower America
11. Pete Domenici, Chairman of Senate Budget Committee
11. Richard Gephardt, House Minority leader
11. Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House
11. John McCain, Senator and Dole campaign advisor
11. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senator from New York
11. Ralph Reed, Executive Director of Christian Coalition
18. William Perry, Secretary of Defense
18. Steve Merrill, Chairman of Dole's campaign
18. Haley Barbour, Chairman of the RNC
18. Christopher Dodd, Democratic Senator