Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control
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Sources of Funding for
International Tobacco Control

It is beyond the scope of Essential Action's Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control program to fund individual partnerships. In the USA, there is a saying that, "necessity is the mother of invention." So don't let the lack of resources prevent you from taking action. Sometimes people working on shoestring budgets do the most creative, efficient, and effective work. We hope the partnerships will develop a diversity of low-budget activities that may be duplicated elsewhere.

We realize, of course, that some groups operate under very tight financial constraints. And certain worthwhile projects do require extra human and financial resources to be successfully carried out. We will point you towards existing opportunities that you might to tap into, as we learn of them. Here are some ideas to start off with:

  • Web competition for international youth partnerships Open to students and their teacher-coaches from anywhere in the world, and designed to promote collaboration and cross-cultural learning by encouraging students to team with their peers in other regions or countries to develop Web sites on educational topics. The topics for the upcoming contest cycle include: the world economy and medicine.
  • WHO - Channeling the Outrage Small grants aim to successfully advocate for public health policies that will curb the tobacco epidemic and to increase support for the signature, ratification and implementation of the FCTC. Deadline: October 30, 2003.

  • 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health - Fellowship Program. The fellowships will cover apex fare flight tickets from country of residence to Helsinki, hotel accommodation in Helsinki, small per diem, congress fee, and participation in the Fellowship Programme (three days) and conference (five days). Deadline: September 30, 2002.
  • WHO - Channeling the Outrage Grants for projects that will advocate for policies to curb the tobacco epidemic and that support the implementation of a strong Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Deadline: May 17, 2002
  • International Youth in Action Award To honor young people (under 25) who have started a project anywhere in the world that has positively impacted their community. Deadline: March 21, 2002
  • The Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights Established by Association François-Xavier Bagnoud, Doctors of the World and the Global Health Council and is presented annually to a leading practitioner in health and human rights, be it an individual or organization. Deadline: February 1, 2002

Essential Action
Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control

P.O. Box 19405 ~ Washington, DC 20036
Tel: +1 202-387-8030 ~ Fax: +1 202-234-5176
Email: [email protected]