BAT Stakeholders Interview
- Uganda Discussion guide - Depth Interviews Area One: Introduction · Reason for research · Name, Occupation, role in business There are a number of issues facing Ugandans on a day to day basis and on a larger scale. What do you think these key issues are, and who would you say is responsible for addressing these issues? (government, business community, individuals) Probe for issues/responsibilities surrounding: · Health Which of these issues are the most relevant to Ugandans, do you think?
Why do you think this? Let's talk about responsibility for a moment - we have discussed who is responsible for the above issues (name several which were discussed). A term that has been used recently is 'Corporate Responsibility' - What is meant by Corporate Responsibility, do you think? · What does this term mean to you and your organisation/ministry? Discuss. Probe for what a company should do to be responsible. · Is this realistic? If not mentioned: What about contribution to the community - where does this figure in your perception of corporate responsibility? · Is there some kind of relationship between a company's contribution to society and a company's role in the economy (ie: the bigger company, the bigger the responsibility?) Discuss. Let's use the tobacco industry for example. - what are your overall general impressions of the tobacco industry (keeping in mind what we have been discussing) How should a tobacco company behave? Do you think tobacco companies do behave in this manner? Please be honest. We discussed issues facing Ugandans, but what do you think are the issues facing the tobacco industry now? ( Probe for corporate level, farmer level, communities) What are your feelings about tobacco and tobacco regulation? What do you think are the challenges the tobacco companies will be facing in the next, say, five years? Probe for different challenges. Where do you stand on the issue of suing? It seems that the tobacco companies
are undergoing a lot of litigation regarding health related issues: Are you aware of initiatives by the tobacco industry to address some of the concerns raised? If yes, what are they and how were you made aware of them? If no, BAT has developed six initiatives to concentrate on, first in-country and then globally. These initiatives are: (provide more detailed information if necessary). Consumer information Are any of these initiative relevant to you and your organisation? Where do you go (where would you go) to get information for tobacco related issues. Just before we finish, I would like to ascertain how the system works in your organisation regarding the decision making process and what influences decisions here. (Discuss mapping and confirm).
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