Email from Leslie L. Christianson (University of Illinois)

Subject: Re: Philip Morris Research Reviewers
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 11:34:42 -0600
Organization: Agricultural Engineering


I am chagrined to realize that you question my integrity when I review or otherwise work with Philip Morris. Not everyone sees things the same way you do. That does not mean they do not have professional integrity.


In response to:

Email sent 1/10/01 from Bill Smith (Tualitin Valley Centers) to peer review list

I am chagrined to realize that you would associate yourself and your professional integrity by signing on as a Philip Morris research reviewer. As a member of Global Partnerships for Tobacco Control and as a public health educator that has been involved in tobacco education and advocacy for nearly forty years, I urge you to sever your ties with Philip Morris and respectfully suggest that if you have received money from them that you return it.

One would have to naive to think that Philip Morris' research support would go to any effort except to enhance its own image. I have witnessed hearings in several state legislatures in which flawed research was used to try to convince elected officials that first or secondhand smoke never hurt anyone.

Please consider a stand for public health and say no to PM.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Bill Smith
Tualatin Valley Centers
Portland, Oregon