Guests 96
Meet the Press |
This Week |
Face the Nation |
Guests June 1995 - 1996 |
Ajami, Fouad |
Director of Middle East
Studies, Johns Hopkins University, CBS News |
1 |
Albright, Madeleine |
US Ambassador to UN |
1 |
1 |
Aldrich, Gary |
FBI agent and author
of Clinton scandal book |
1 |
Alexander, Lamar |
Former Republican Gov.
Tenn., GOP presidential candidate |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Ambrose, Steven |
Nixon biographer |
1 |
Archer, Bill |
Rep. (R), TX, Chairman
of Ways and Means Committee |
1 |
Armey, Dick |
Rep. (R), TX, Majority
Leader |
4 |
3 |
1 |
Bailey, F. Lee |
O.J. Simpson defense
lawyer |
1 |
Baker, James |
Former Secretary of
State |
2 |
1 |
Barbour, Haley |
Chairman of Republican
National Committee |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Barr, Bob |
Rep. (R), GA |
1 |
Baucus, Max |
Sen. (D), MT |
1 |
Bauer, Gary |
Family Research council |
1 |
Bennet, Robert |
Clinton's lawyer |
1 |
1 |
Bennet, William |
Empower America, Chairman
of Alexander's campaign, Heritage Foundation |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Ben-Veniste, Richard |
Defense Counsel Travelgate |
1 |
1 |
Beschloss, Michael |
Historian |
1 |
Bidden, Joseph |
Sen. (D), DE |
1 |
Boehner, John |
Rep. (R), OH |
1 |
Bonior, David |
Rep. (D), MI, House
Minority Whip |
1 |
2 |
Bradley, Bill |
Sen. (D), NJ, Finance
Committee |
3 |
1 |
Branstad, Terry |
Gov. (R), IA |
1 |
Breaux, John |
Sen. (D), LA |
1 |
1 |
Buchanan, Angela |
Chairman Buchanan Campaign |
2 |
Buchanan, Bay |
Chairman Buchanan Campaign |
1 |
Buchanan, Pat |
GOP presidential candidate
4 |
4 |
7 |
Bugliosi, Vincent |
Former LA Deputy District
Attorney |
1 |
Bush, Jeb |
Republican activist
and gubernatorial candidate |
2 |
Califano, Joseph |
President Center on
Addiction and Substance Abuse |
1 |
Campbell, Carroll |
Former Gov., SC, Chairman
of Dole for President |
1 |
Cardinal Bernard |
Law of the Catholic
Archdiocese of Boston |
1 |
Carter, Stephen |
Author: Integrity
1 |
Carville, James |
Democratic political
analyst |
3 |
Cheney, Dick |
Former Secretary of
Defense |
1 |
Chertoff, Michael |
Chief Republican Counsel
for Whitewater hearings |
1 |
2 |
Christopher, Warren |
Secretary of State |
2 |
3 |
2 |
Clinger, William |
Rep. (R), PA |
1 |
1 |
Coats, Dan |
Sen. (R), IN |
1 |
Cochran, Johnnie |
O.J. Simpson Lawyer |
1 |
1 |
Cook, Charles |
author, The Cook
Political Report |
1 |
Cramer, Richard Ben |
author: Bob Dole
2 |
Cuomo, Mario |
Former Gov. (D), NY |
1 |
Dalton, John |
Secretary of the Navy |
1 |
D'Amato, Alfonse |
Sen. (R), NY, Chairman
Banking Committee |
1 |
3 |
Daschle, Tom |
Sen. (D), SD, Minority
Leader |
4 |
Dawson, Brennan |
VP, The Tobacco Institute |
1 |
Dean, John |
Nixon's White House
Chief of Staff |
1 |
Deford, Frank |
Vanity Fair |
1 |
DeLay, Tom |
Rep. (R), TX, Majority
Whip |
1 |
1 |
Denoble, Victor |
Former scientist at
Philip Morris |
1 |
Dewine, Mike |
Sen. (R), OH |
1 |
Digerova, Joseph |
Former US Attorney |
Diller, Barry |
Former President of
Paramount, assisted creation of FOX |
1 |
Dodd, Christopher |
Sen. (D), CT, Chairman
of Democratic Committee |
2 |
1 |
2 |
Dole, Bob |
Sen. (R), KS, Senate
Majority Leader, GOP Presidential candidate |
3 |
5 |
4 |
Domenici, Pete |
Sen. (R), NM, Chairman
of Budget Committee |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Donahue, Thomas |
President AFL-CIO |
1 |
Dorgan, Byron |
Sen. (D), ND |
1 |
Dornan, Robert |
Rep. (R), CA |
1 |
Douglas, John |
FBI agent in UNAbomber
investigation |
1 |
Drew, Elizabeth |
author, "Gingrich
vs. Clinton" |
1 |
Duberstein, Kenneth |
Former White House Chief
of Staff |
1 |
1 |
Durbin, Dick |
Rep. (D), Il |
1 |
Eagleburger, Lawrence |
Former Secretary of
State |
1 |
Engler, John |
Gov. (R), MI, Chairman
Republican Governor's Association |
1 |
1 |
Feinstein, Dianne |
Sen. (D), CA |
1 |
Ferraro, Geraldine |
U.S. Ambassador to the
U.N. |
1 |
Fithian, John |
Lawyer for Freedom to
Advertise Coalition |
1 |
Forbes, Steve |
GOP presidential candidate |
5 |
3 |
1 |
Fordice, Kirk |
Gov. (R), MS |
1 |
Fowler, Dan |
Chairman of Democratic
National Committee |
1 |
Frank, Barney |
Rep. (D), MA |
1 |
Franks, Gary |
Rep. (R), CT |
1 |
Friday, Joe |
Director of the National
Weather service |
1 |
Friedman, Jeffrey |
Investigator Genetics,
Rockefeller University |
1 |
Frist, Bill |
Sen. (R), TN, Budget
Committee |
1 |
Fyfe, James |
Criminologist Professor |
1 |
Gates, Daryl |
Chief of LAPD |
1 |
George, Joulwan |
NATO Supreme Commander |
1 |
Gephardt, Richard |
Rep. (D), MO, Minority
leader |
4 |
1 |
1 |
Gingrich, Newt |
Rep. (R), GA, Speaker
of the House |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Goldstein, Gerald |
National Association
of Criminal Defense Lawyers |
Goodwin, Doris Kearns |
historian |
1 |
Gorden, Phillip |
National Institute of
Health |
1 |
Gordon, Bart |
Rep. (D), TN |
1 |
Gore, Al |
Vice President |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Gorelick, Jamie |
Deputy Attorney General |
1 |
Gramm, Phil |
Sen. (R), TX, Budget
Committee, GOP Presidential candidate |
3 |
4 |
3 |
Groves, Florence |
author who uncovered
Senator Packwood sex scandal |
1 |
Giuliani, Rudolph |
Mayor of NY |
1 |
Guinier, Lani |
Law Professor of the
University of Penn. |
1 |
Hamilton, Lee |
Rep. (D), IN |
1 |
Hatch, Orrin |
Sen. (R), UT |
2 |
Helligs, Ernest |
Sen. (D), SC, Former
Chairman Budget Committee |
1 |
Hinson, David |
Federal Aviation Administration |
1 |
Holbrooke, Richard |
Assistant Secretary
of State for European and Canadian Affairs |
2 |
1 |
Hutchinson, Kay Bailey |
Sen. (R), TX |
1 |
1 |
Ickes, Harold |
Deputy White House Chief
of Staff |
1 |
Indyk, Martin |
US Ambassador to Israel |
1 |
Jackson, Jesse |
President of National
Rainbow Coalition |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Jasinowski, Jerry |
President National Association
of Manufacturers |
1 |
1 |
Jenkins, Brian |
Kroll Associates |
1 |
Jordan, Lewis |
President and Chairman
Valujet Airlines |
1 |
Kasich, John |
Rep. (R), OH, Chairman
Budget Committee |
5 |
2 |
1 |
Keene, David |
Chairman American Conservative
Union |
1 |
Kemp, Jack |
Former Secretary HUD |
1 |
Kendall, David |
Lawyer for Hillary Clinton |
1 |
Kennedy, Edward M. |
Sen. (D), MA, Labor
and Human Resources Committee |
1 |
Kerry, Bob |
Sen. (D), NE, Chairman
of Democratic Campaign Committee |
1 |
2 |
Kerry, John F. |
Sen. (D), MA |
1 |
Kessler, David |
Commissioner of the
1 |
Kissinger, Henry |
Former Secretary of
State |
1 |
1 |
Kraft, Robert |
Owner, New England Patriots |
1 |
Lake, Anthony |
National Security Adviser |
2 |
1 |
Lamm, Richard |
Reform Party presidential
candidate |
1 |
Leach, Jim |
Rep. (R), IA |
1 |
Leahy, Patrick |
Sen. (D), VT |
1 |
1 |
Leiberman, Joseph |
Rep. (D), CT |
2 |
1 |
Lewis, Ann |
Deputy Campaign Manager
for Clinton's reelection |
1 |
Limbaugh, Rush |
radio talk show host |
1 |
Lott, Trent |
Sen. (R), MS, Majority
Whip |
3 |
2 |
3 |
Luger, Richard G. |
Sen. (R), IN, GOP presidential
candidate |
1 |
2 |
Mack, John |
President of LA Urban
League |
1 |
Matalin, Mary |
Republican political
analyst |
3 |
McCain, John |
Sen. (R), AZ, Armed
Services Committee, Dole Campaign Advisor |
2 |
1 |
3 |
McCollum |
Rep. (R), FL |
1 |
McEntee, Gerald |
President of the American
Federation of Employees |
1 |
McIntosh, David |
Rep (R), IN |
1 |
Meridor, Dan |
Israeli Knesset member
of the Likud Party |
1 |
Merrill, Steve |
Gov. (R), NH, Chairman
Dole's Campaign |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Mfume, Kweisi |
Rep. (D), Black Caucus |
1 |
1 |
Mixner, David |
Gay Rights activist |
1 |
Molinari, Susan |
Rep. (R), NY |
1 |
1 |
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick |
Sen. (D), NY, Finance
Committee |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Murnion, Nick |
Garfield County Attorney |
1 |
Murphy, Mike |
Chief Consultant to
Alexander's Campaign |
1 |
Murray, Patty |
Sen. (D), WA |
1 |
Nader, Ralph |
consumer advocate and
Green Party presidential candidate |
1 |
Nash, General William |
Commander Task Force
Eagle (Bosnia) |
1 |
Netanyahu, Benjamin
Chairman of the Israeli
Likud party |
1 |
Neuman, Mark W. |
Rep. (R), WI |
1 |
Nickles, Don |
Sen. (R), OK, Budget
Committee |
1 |
Nunn, Sam |
Sen. (D), GA, Ranking
Democrat of Armed Services Committee |
1 |
2 |
Olson, Norman |
Commander, North Michigan
Militia |
1 |
Packwood, Bob |
Sen. (R), OR |
1 |
Paler, Professor Richard |
Harvard University |
Panetta, Leon |
White House Chief of
Staff |
3 |
4 |
7 |
Parsons, John |
Tri-states Militias |
1 |
Patrick, Deval |
US Department of Justice,
Assistant Attorney General of Civil Rights |
1 |
Pena, Federico |
Secretary of Transport |
1 |
Peres, Shimon |
Prime Minister of Israel |
1 |
Perot, Ross |
Reform Party |
2 |
1 |
Perry, William J. |
Secretary of Defense |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Quinn, Jack |
White House Counsel |
1 |
Rabitovich, Itamer |
Israeli Ambassador |
1 |
1 |
Rangel, Charles |
Rep. (D), New York,
Ways and Means Committee |
2 |
1 |
Reed, Ralph |
Executive Director of
Christian Coalition |
2 |
4 |
Reeves, Richard |
author |
2 |
Reich, Robert |
Secretary of Labor |
1 |
Reiner, Rob |
Motion picture director |
1 |
Reno, Janet |
Attorney General of
US |
1 |
Revell, Oliver |
Former Associate Deputy
Director FBI |
1 |
Richardson, Jerry |
Owner, Carolina Panthers |
1 |
Riulin, Alice |
Director of Office of
Management and Budget |
1 |
Robb, Chuck |
Sen. (D), Virginia |
1 |
Rollins, Ed |
GOP Strategist |
1 |
Roner, Roy |
Gov. (D), CO |
1 |
Rose, Charlie |
Rep. (D), NC |
1 |
1 |
Rostenkowski, Dan |
Rep. (D), Il |
1 |
Rubin, Robert E. |
Secretary of the Treasury |
2 |
4 |
1 |
Rudman, Warren |
Concord Coalition |
1 |
Russel, Mark |
political satirist |
1 |
Rustigan, Mike |
Criminologist, San Francisco
State University |
1 |
Sabo, Martin |
Rep. (D), MN, Budget
Committee |
1 |
Samuelson, Robert |
author |
1 |
Santorum, Rick |
Sen. (R), PA |
1 |
Savir, Uri |
Israeli Foreign Minister |
1 |
Scaverott, Brent |
Former National Security
Advisor to Bush |
1 |
Schafly, Phyllis |
National Co-Chair of
Buchanan for President |
1 |
Schiavo, Mary |
Inspector General of
Federal Department of Transportation |
1 |
Schmoke, Kurt |
Mayor of Baltimore |
1 |
Schroder, Patricia |
Rep. (D), CO |
1 |
2 |
Schumer, Charles |
Rep. (D), NY, Crime
Subcommittee |
2 |
1 |
Sessions, William |
Former Director FBI |
1 |
Sha'Ath, Nabil |
PLO Ministry in Gaza |
1 |
Shalala, Donna |
Secretary of Health
and Human Services |
1 |
Shalikashvili, John |
General, Chairman Joint
Chiefs of staff |
1 |
1 |
Shays, Christopher |
Rep. (R), CT |
1 |
Simpson, Alan |
Sen. (R), WY |
1 |
Smith, Bob |
Sen. (R), NH |
1 |
Smith, Linda |
Rep. (R), WA |
1 |
Snowe, Olympia |
Sen. (R), ME |
1 |
Specter, Arlen |
Sen. (R), PA, GOP presidential
candidate |
1 |
1 |
Spence, Gary |
Attorney for Randy Weaver |
1 |
Stephanopoulous, George |
Senior White House Adviser |
1 |
Stern, Kenneth |
author: A Force upon
the Plain |
2 |
Sweeney, John |
Candidate for President
of AFL-CIO |
1 |
Talbott, Strob |
Deputy Secretary of
State |
1 |
Thompson, Fred |
Sen. (R), TN |
1 |
Thompson, Tommy |
Gov. (R), WI |
1 |
Thornburgh, Dick |
Former Attorney General,
UNAbomber investigation |
1 |
Trochman, John |
Montana Militia |
1 |
Tyson, Laura |
Chairman National Economic
Counsel |
2 |
Uelmen, Gerald |
Defense Lawyer for OJ |
1 |
Wachs, Joel |
Mayor of LA |
1 |
Wamp, Zack |
Rep. (R), TN |
1 |
Warner, John |
Sen. (R), VA |
1 |
Watts, J.C. |
Rep. (R), OK |
2 |
Waxman, Henry |
Rep, (D), CA |
1 |
2 |
Webster, William |
Former Director FBI |
1 |
Weicker Jr., Lowell
P |
Former Gov. CT. |
1 |
Weld, William |
Gov. (R), MI |
1 |
Whitman, Christie Todd |
Gov. (R), NJ |
1 |
Wilder, Douglas |
Former Governor, (D),
VA |
1 |
Williams, Willie |
LA Police chief |
1 |
Wilson, Pete |
Gov. (R), CA, GOP presidential
candidate |
1 |
3 |
Woodson, Robert |
Center for Neighborhood
Enterprise |
1 |
Yepsen, David |
The Des Moines Register |
1 |
Yergin, Daniel |
Author of book about
oil-greed |
1 |
Zellif, Bill |
Rep. (R), NH, Chairman
Waco Hearings |
1 |
1 |
Total |
139 |
147 |
150 |